Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization Job Circular-2019 has been published on 30/10/19 from www.sprrso.gov.bd. You will get the circular from this link named Bdjobs7days. And the most important thing is, Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization has wanted to recuit some new shilled people for some definite vacant post. If you should apply. And if you want to apply, the link and description has given, for your sake.
Description in short:
The name of organaization: Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization(SPRRSO)Employment type:Permanent
Starting date of apply: 4th November
Ending date of apply: 5th December
Age limition: 18 to 30 (FF qouta has 32) years
Your application must be: Online
Your aplication fee is:100 BDT with teletalk
The number of posts: 07
Salary: According to govt pay scale
NB: All districts of people can apply for these posts and both male and female can apply for these posts.
Description in details:
Space Research and Remote Sensing Organizatio is one of the most important sectors of Bangladesh government sectors job circle. Offcourse online Application submission Process is ongoing and the candidates can apply within 04/11/19 to 05/12/19. Vacancis are 07 type of posts 07 vacancies. Candidate’s age must be within 18-30 years (Freedom fighters qouta within 18 to32 years). Quickly,to see all circular of government job visit our link. Thank you for staying with us.Circular’s HD image below

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